For me fitness has to be fun, if it’s not fun, you won’t stick to it!


Hi, I’m Chantal

I have an absolute passion for health and fitness and I want to share my love of movement & nutrition with as many people as I can to help encourage them to become healthier versions of themselves! For me fitness has to be fun, if it’s not fun, you won’t stick to it! I have never believed in faddy diets, and my moto is, and always will be ‘everything in moderation’! All you have to do is ask one of my clients and they will tell you how much I love chocolate and a glass of rose at the weekend.

Past experience

I have been working in the fitness industry now for 9 years and have gained knowledge and some invaluable experiences along the way. When I’m not working on helping other people achieve their fitness goals, I’m usually out for a run or putting myself through a sweaty HIIT session too.

I qualified as a gym instructor and personal trainer in 2012, where I initially worked in a small family gym in Torrington. Here I taught classes and set up my PT business, ‘Chantal Moore Fitness.’ I gradually built up my client base and group PT sessions until the point where I was doing up to 14 sessions a day.

I qualified as a pilates teacher in 2014 and worked with some amazing pilates teachers in a local studio. I learnt how to help a whole new client base and how to work with people recovering from injury. I have been teaching pilates in village and school halls since then and the classes have been so successful that I’d like to be able to offer more. As I started doing more and more pilates I realised there was so much more to learn so I went on to do my level 4 certificate in physical activity and lifestyle strategies and also my biomechanics coach diploma. This opened up a whole new level of understanding on how the body works and functions. I was more able to help my clients become stronger and improve their movement and performance in their chosen exercise. I am constantly trying to learn more and provide more services and expertise for people.

Chantal Law Fitness + Pilates turquoise

The future

The past few years have been absolutely amazing, I have loved teaching my large bootcamps and circuits classes in various halls and have met so many amazing clients, most of whom have become friends. I work with such a broad range of clientele, all with different goals and reasons and I love how exercise can change someones life. It can make you feel strong, empowered and confident, but it also gives you the chance to have that very important ‘you’ time where you can switch off and relax, but also it’s a chance to make new friends. For all these reasons, I know I want my little business to grow, I want to be able to offer more and and help people to lead happy, healthy, balanced lifestyles. So, here I am leasing my first studio, with the view of making it a fun, motivating, unintimidating fitness facility, where I will aim to cater for a huge variety of clients with different classes and group sessions. Movement is medicine!


Meet the team


Chris Brown

A level 3 personal trainer, strength and conditioning coach, and BWL Level 1 Olympic Weightlifting coach. Chris has a background in elite sport, being a former GBR table tennis international, county golfer, and Bideford FC footballer, as well as being a keen runner and Olympic weightlifter.

“I am excited to work with anyone passionate about improving themselves, whether you are a total beginner to the world of health and fitness, or an elite athlete. For me the approach is the same, start with the basics and get them to move well. Once they move well then start to add intensity and progressively overload the body to get great results.

Whether your goal is weight loss, muscle gain, improved sporting performance, injury rehabilitation/prevention, or learning a new skill, I am committed to delivering effective programmes built around functional strength and conditioning. I believe in building a solid foundation of structural strength and mobility, which underpins any healthy individual. Whether you are a runner, rugby player, weightlifter, or busy parent looking to get fit, this base of functional strength will allow you tackle anything life or training can throw at you.”


Helen Amey

Helen is an incredibly kind and caring person with a great passion for health and wellness, she is also an amazing yoga teacher. I am so excited that she wants to come and teach Yoga in my studio, and I hope you will all enjoy what she has to offer. 

”Hello, I’m Helen, founder of Elska Yoga. My background is in Criminology, Criminal Justice and Social Work. For the past 16 years I have worked in the Youth Justice system and in Childrens Social Care. I love working with people and helping and supporting them. I have always had a keen interest in health and fitness and the key thing for me, is how looking after your health and wellbeing makes you feel. 

The ups and downs of life have brought me on a journey of understanding around my own mental health and emotional wellbeing and yoga has been key to this. Yoga has brought me clarity at times of confusion and calmness during times of anguish. As well as fun, laughter, friendship, enthusiasm, strength, confidence and the achievement of things with my mind and body that I never thought was possible!

I feel so passionate about the spirt of Yoga and sharing it with others so they too can come to know the enormous benefits that a yogic lifestyle has to offer. I am a certified 200 hours yoga instructor and affiliated with the Yoga Alliance. I am so excited to be working with Chantal Law as I know how passionate she is about her clients and that she wants them to have a holistic experience of physical and mental wellness, an ethos that I very much share. I am really looking forward to meeting you all!”

Yas Moore

Yasmin Moore

I am so excited to have the chance to work with my sister! Ever since I was younger I have always bossed her around and somehow I have managed to bully her into completing her level 3 Personal Training qualification. 

She has a full time job as a midwife and she is absolutely amazing at this, but it will be great to have Yas on board as another instructor to help out, as, like myself, she is so passionate about helping others. She will be an amazing PT, and I can’t wait to see her in action. 

‘’Having Chantal as an older sibling and watching her work in the fitness industry has always motivated me to exercise, and stay fit and active. However, I have always had my own weight battle, so I can relate to lots of people who really struggle. The past 2 years I stopped using my lifestyle as an excuse and changed my entire outlook and behaviours regarding food. Don’t get me wrong I still love a piece of cake and a bottle of fizz, but I now realise it’s everything in moderation. 

I work with women everyday, and I just want to be able to use my experiences from my personal journey and my profession to help others who I know have similar issues. I know my sister will create a fun, friendly , and positive environment that I want to be involved with…..still working as a midwife of course!! My aim would be to become an exercise specialist for pre and post natal woman, and to even help pre-conception, this would link my two passions together perfectly.”


Happy clients

Roll ups aside, thought I’d let you know how good your sessions make me feel. I wish I’d got into this years ago. I didn’t think I was all that flexible but when I see friends and colleagues my age even trying to tie their shoelaces it makes me realise. I really wish I’d done some before and after from those first golf club sessions many years ago.